What is "the tingle"?
"The tingle" is your intuition, your gut feeling, your 6th sense. "The tingle" is whatever it is within you that you trust when you're about to make a decision.
My "tingle" happens in my temples: a combination of a tickle on the outside and a pressure from the inside. Another friend says their hands get hot as they shuffle their cards. What it boils down to, is an interaction of body and mind as you enter and linger in a meditative state. How you reach that state is really up to you. Maybe you push your body through physical exercise so your mind is free to wander. Maybe you do the classic mediation, and sit and clear your mind. The more familiar you grow with how your mind and your body speak to each other in this state, the easier it is to trust. When you trust your "tingle" enough, you'll notice it guides you even beyond your practice.
So what does this have to do with tarot?
If you're interested in obtaining a deck, "the tingle" may be how you know you've found a deck that's a good match for you. As you wander through a bookstore, or browse online, you may find a deck that stands out to you. Whether that's due to the artwork, or whether you're looking for a deck specific to an area of your life, or a desire to support a specific artist--the reasons you're drawn to a deck will vary.
Skipping ahead a bit: you've got your deck! Now what?
Learning a deck takes patience and practice. But like any new skill, once you've learned one, you'll have an easier time learning the next one, and the one after that! As you form a relationship with your deck, try to pay attention to the cues your body gives you. Be aware of your "tingle": how and where it happens, whether it's like a game of Hot-or-Cold, or if it's just a surge of gut feeling you're on the right track.
Tarot is a study, and every reader will have different tried & true "study methods". I can only tell you what has worked for me. It involves a notebook, it involves repeatedly flipping through the cards one by one, it involves accumulated hours with the guidebook together with the deck before I even attempt a reading. I jot down symbols and images that jump out at me as particularly meaningful. I know it's getting serious when I start reaching for the highlighters. I like to spread the cards out, suit by suit, Major & Minor Arcana. I touch each one, and speak the definition aloud. I do this as often as I can - daily at minimum.
Tarot is an alphabet with 78 letters. Once you know the letters, you're ready to start making words, and then sentences, and then whole stories. The easiest story to start with, then, is simply pulling a card for yourself every day.
Ask, "What do I need to be aware of today?"
Pay attention to your "tingle". It will tell you when you have stacked your deck for your answer.
Study your card. Think about its message, and how to carry it with you throughout your day.
Happy studying!